Meet Inez!
Appearance: Inez has a slight build
and boyish haircut, but her graceful movements make her come across as more
pixie-ish than tomboy. A native of the Noplali Desert, she has copper-colored skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair.
Likes: Magic, philosophy, books,
the smell of creosote, beauty, contemplating the eternal verities, Styx goblins
Dislikes: People who talk over her,
people who act like school is boring, vinegaroons
Occupation: Student at Melieh's
Academy of Magic
Favorite Food: Empanadas
Spirit Animal: Squirrel
Spirit Vegetable: Lemon
Little Known Fact: Growing up in the desert,
Inez heard stories about snow in the north, and was excited to finally be able
to see some as a student. Unfortunately for her, the Capital has been going through
a warm spell, and it hasn’t once snowed in all of her three years at the